But recently, I had occasion to wear pantyhose. I was presenting at a conference and wearing a blazer. You kind of can't wear a blazer without wearing pantyhose. It's like the PB without the J. Plus, I figured it'd make me feel more professional.
I pulled on my black dress and struggled with the the control-top sand-colored pantyhose (and, by the way, I get their utility now that I need control-top. I TOTALLY GET IT) when Primo walked into my room. He did an old-school double take and then he stared at my legs. The look on his face was both perplexed and horrified.
"What," he ventured, "are you wearing?"
"What do you mean?" I asked, "You don't like this dress?"
"Not the dress," he pressed, "The other thing."
"These?" I asked, pointing to my legs, "These are pantyhose. You've never seen pantyhose?"
He scrutinized my face intently for a minute, trying to decide if I was joking, or if I'd gone totally out of my fucking mind.
"Why are you wearing that? What is it for?" He was waiting for a reasonable explanation.
I didn't really know myself, but I said something about "evening out the skin tone."
"But it looks exactly like your legs without them on," he observed.
"Sort of," I conceded, "Only, you know, polished."
He stood silently looking at me with his eyebrows raised for a few seconds. Then he said: "Mom. You look REALLY creepy." And he left.
I now suspect he suspects I'm a high-functioning lunatic. I guess I can never tell him about Spanx.