I had the pleasure of reading last night at the Edgy Mothers Day Reading and thoroughly enjoyed discovering fantastic new writers and hearing from amazing women I’m already a fan of.
Being in a room with such powerhouse women, mothers that clearly love their kids with everything they’ve got but also insist on some kind of figurative room of their own, was a reminder that no one of us can get through motherhood on our own. It takes a village, but not just because the other villagers will baby-sit sometimes or give you advice about sleep training. It takes a village because you need other people to get it – to balk at the outrageous, rage at the unjust, laugh at the embarrassing, and cry at the shit that breaks your heart. Nothing refuels me like a hefty dose of fellow feeling, and that’s just what I got last night.
Here’s a list of the women who read with links to their sites and blogs. Give them a looksee:
–Marian Fontana, author of A Widow’s Walk
–Rosemary Moore, author of Side Street
–Martha Southgate, author of Third Girl From the Left
–Jill Eisenstadt, author of From Rockaway
–Wendy Ponte, author of Mothering Magazine’s Having a Baby Naturally
–Sophia Romero, blogger, The Shiksa from Manila and author of Always Hiding
–Yona Zeldis McDonough, author of Breaking the Bank
–Michele Madigan Somerville, poet and author of WISEGAL and Black Irish
–Allison Pennell, parenting journalist and writer for Effed in Park Slope
–Kathy Fine, educator
What a weekend!
1 day ago