Back when I was preggo with Primo, I would have killed - or at least, maimed- someone to get to attend a Baby Expo. Of course, six years ago, in Brooklyn, such a thing did not exist. But now, thanks to A Child Grows in Brooklyn, it does, and its happening this Sunday.
From bra fittings to seminars on sleep trainings, its one stop shopping for new parents in Brooklyn. There is TONS of stuff going on:
Learn about:
Sleep training, choosing gear, hiring a nanny, finding day care, school testing and zoning, greening your home.
Try out:
Strollers, carriers, baby yoga, stroller fitness, bra fittings, laser therapy
Manicures, blow-outs, maternity and post-baby clothes, toys, prizes
Watch demos of
cloth diapering, baby food making, CPR, installing a car seat
Sunday March 13th
Toren Condo, 150 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn NY 11201
$35 admission/ $60 for two
register: achildgrows.com
first 250 to register get a free gift bag
Raising a Good Sleeper
Speaker: Janet K. Kennedy, PhD, NYC Sleep Doctor
• Best baby gear gurus.... tell all!
Speakers: Jamie Grayson (the Baby Guy NYC) & Jennifer Link (Sweet Pea Baby Planners)
• Parenting Partnerships: How to work together
Speakers: Soho Parenting and Family Matters NY
• Greening Your Home
Speaker: Alexandra Zissu
Baby Angels
Baby Be Safe
Baby Bodyguards
Baby Brezza
Birth Day Presence
Brooklyn Acupuncture
Brooklyn Public Library
Brownstone Nannies
Bump Brooklyn
Caribou Baby
Dr. Browns
Family Matters NY
Gaggle of Chicks
Genius Organizing
GoGo Babies
Hank and JoJo
Happy Baby Food
Heights Pediatrics
Iris Clarke Lingerie
Lulu’s Cuts and Toys
Mabel’s Labels
MDK Productions
Mini Jake
Mini Max Toys and Cuts
NY City Explorers
NY Kids Club
NYC School Help
Park Slope Pediatric Dental
Perfect Capture
Red Moon Massage Therapy
Renew Physical Therapy
Ruckus Mobile Media
Salon 718
Soho Parenting
Stroller Strides
Tribeca Parenting
Urban Clarity
Wooly Boo