Sometimes even very communicative five year-olds have a hard time putting the mysterious thoughts that bounce around in their heads into words we adults can understand. This weekend in the car, I listened to the following conversation between David and Primo:
Primo: “What is the first state?”
David: “You mean the first civilization that ever was?”
“No, no. I mean the FIRST state.”
“What do you mean by first? Like, in history?”
“Do you know the number one? Zero, then one? I mean number one, the FIRST.”
“I am familiar with the meaning of first. I just don’t know what you mean.”
Sigh. Primo would have to backtrack a bit, catch his dad up.
“You know
“In what way is
“Do you mean in terms of longitude and latitude?”
Primo looked at his father like he was a hopeless case. Hopeless.
So I piped in:
That settled it.